

8635 Uppsatser om Angle count method - Sida 1 av 576

Tre metoder för diagnos av mastit i fält :

The objective of this work was to evaluate and compare three field methods for detection of mastitis, California Mastits Test (CMT), DeLaval cell counter DCC (DCC) and FMA2001 Farm Milk Analyzer (FMA2001). Furthermore, to investigate at what cell count level clinical symptoms of mastitis are seen, and finally to check if the clinical findings and cell counts could be related to bacteriological findings. DCC and FMA2001 are new analytic instruments to be used on dairy farms for detection of mastitis. CMT has been a widely used cow-side-test of milk quality in mastitis control efforts, but it cannot be used for estimating cell counts in scientific studies or investigations. Two hundred and eight quarter milk samples from 52 cows were analysed with DCC and CMT, and 168 of these samples with FMA2001. Microbiological examination was done on 38 milk samples with CMT scores of 4 and 5.


 Conclusion:Medical treatment may have a role in platelet count after transfusion. Since the TACSI platelets passed the quality requirements, and the vast majority of patients platelet count increased after TACSI platelet transfusion, the TACSI platelets will replace the old method to produce platelets at the Uppsala University hospital.  Methods: A new approach that pools 8 buffy coats (TACSI platelets) that were separated into 2 units instead of 4-6 buffy coats pooled to 1 unit was investigated in this study. After the platelets were extracted from the buffy coats their quality was controlled and subsequently the platelet product was evaluated in 96 patients. Results: The results showed that 80 % of the platelet units passed the European quality requirements. Further, the platelet count was increased in most patients that received TACSI platelets. Conclusion: Medical treatment may have a role in platelet count after transfusion.

Optimering av slutfasstyrning

Modern missiles must meet higher and higher demands. They should be autonomous, have long range and still have a big effect on the target. To maximize effect on target some missiles not only minimize miss distance, but also try to hit with a certain angle; often perpendicular to the surface of the target. In this thesis a method to guide the missile in the terminal phase of its mission where both point of impact as angle of impact are specified. The method consist of two parts.

Fältmätning och utmattningsanalys av hjullastarskopa

I denna rapport predikteras livslängden, med avseende på utmattning, för en hjullastarskopa. Två av de mest kritiska svetsarna utvärderas enligt IIW:s (International Institute of Welding) rekommendationer genom nominella spänningsmetoden, hot spot-metoden och effective notch-metoden. Beräkningarna utförs med hjälp av finita elementmetoden. Genom att utföra töjningsmätningar på hjullastarskopan i drift erhålls spänningsdiagram. Dessa uppmätta spänningsdiagram analyseras med rain-flow count-metoden.


Hematology-instruments that analyze blood cells can at specific cases be followed by manual counting with a hemocytometer. The plastic hemocytometer which has a fixed coverslip and is assigned for disposable use, appears to reduce the problems arising from the use of the traditional glass hemocytometer, for instance coverslip-application difficulty and dust particles. Capillary whole blood sampling may be useful for patients at the emergency department and in addition, a smaller volume of blood is taken compared to venous blood sampling. This study will focus on the platelet- and leukocyte count (PLT and WBC) in venous and capillary blood, in order to compare the plastic- and glass hemocytometers with Sysmex XN-2000 (Sysmex Corporation, Kobe, Japan), and verify if capillary whole blood sampling can be used for the measurement of these hematological parameters. 30 subjects donated both capillary- and venous blood samples and these blood samples were analyzed with glass- and plastic hemocytometers with Sysmex XN-2000 as the reference method.

Basala och dentala avvikelser i sagittalled ? en jämförelse av två diagnostiska metoder

Tidigare har man använt sig av gipsmodell och profilröntgen som komplement till den kliniska undersökningen för diagnostisering av bettavvikelser i sagittalled på Tandvårdhögskolan i Malmö. Idag har profilröntgen uteslutits då patienten fått den dentala diagnosen Angle II:I. Vid Angle III används fortfarande profilröntgen som diagnostiskt underlag och för behandlingsplanering. I studien jämförs den dentala och basala diagnosen, hos ortodontipatienter, med intentionen att se hur väl dessa två diagnostiska metoder följs åt. Resultaten visar att patienter med Angle II får i regel behandling utifrån sin dentala diagnos varpå profilröntgen kan ses som onödig bestrålning för patienten.

Effekten av traktkil på det distala benets rörelsemönster hos travhäst :

Changing of the hoof angle is a common method for the treatment of many lameness-related conditions (Moyer 1980; Stashak 2002). Various studies in the literature have indicated different results of the effect of changing the hoof angle on the movement of the distal limb. Our study investigated the effect of raising the heel of the forelimbs by 10,7 mm on the movement of the distal limb. Horses trotted on a treadmill at several predetermined speeds. The kinematics of the distal limb was determined and variables including the extension of the fetlock joint were determined.

Hematologiska analysinstrument för mindre djurkliniker : en utvärdering av QBC-V och Scil Vet abc för analys av prover från hund och katt

Two haematological instruments intended for small animal clinic use were evaluated at the Department of Clinical Chemistry, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Uppsala, Sweden. The QBC-V and Vet abc were compared to a reference instrument, the Cell-Dyn 3500. Fresh blood samples were obtained from canine and feline patients from the University Veterinary Hospital, SLU. The QBC-V was used for 111 canine samples and 78 canine blood samples were analysed with Vet abc. From cats, 23 samples were analysed with both instruments.

Förändras mjölkens proteinsammansättning i separata juverdelar i samband med höga celltal (SCC)? :

Today the milk production per cow is increasing but the milk delivered by the Swedish farmer contains less amounts of fat and protein than earlier. The contents have decreased since 1993. In average the milk contain 4,2 percent fat and 3,4 percent protein. Earlier the fat content in milk was important. Nowadays the dairy?s attention has turned to the milk?s valuable proteins, principally the caseins, which have a considerable nutritional value and are important for several dairy products like cheese and yoghurt.

Bärförmågetillväxt i pålad friktionsjord

Piled friction soil show a set-up which is increasing with the time after installation. The cost could be reduced if the set-up had been taken into account when designing but in Sweden it is very unusual to do that. Previous studies showed that set-up can vary between 25 % and 75 % during the first 90 days after pile installation. This showed that the effect of the phenomenon is difficult to predict. A study involving five projects have been carried out by specifying certain parameters like pile type, method for pile installation and test method for measure the bearing capacity in friction soils located in Sweden.

Solenergi : en lönsam investering för ett lantbruk?

A possible way to reduce pollution and slow down the process of global warming is to increase the usage of renewable energy sources. One of these renewable energy sources is solar power. With the aid of solar panels and solar cells the energy from the sun can be transformed into both heating and electricity. The requirement to use the sun in this fashion is a suitable surface, for example a big roof, an angle between 40-60 degrees and that the surface should be exposed to the south. Almost every farm meets these requirements.

Samband på individnivå mellan akuta klövskador och cellhalten i mjölk hos mjölkkor :

The purpose of the present study was to investigate the cow-level association between acute hoof lesions and the somatic milk cell count in dairy cattle. Cows from three loose-housed Swedish dairy herds were enrolled in the study if they had an acute hoof lesion treated by a veterinarian or professional hoof trimmer during the preceding year, according to farmer records. Studied lesions were sole ulcer, dermatitis, interdigital necrobacillosis and hoof abscess, in each case causing lameness. For each hoof-diseased cow, 0 to 3 healthy cows were included, matched with respect to herd, breed, parity and lactation stage. Cell counts were obtained from monthly test recordings from one month before to three months after the hoof-lesion diagnosis, and log-transformed.

Optisk undersökning av dieselsprayer från en höghastighetsroterande insprutare

There have been changes in Earth?s climate system on both global and regional scale since the pre-industrial era and some of these changes are due to human activities such as the combustion of fossil fuels. This calls for the development of engines with a higher efficiency and less harmful emissions. One interesting concept is the Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) engine, which has the advantages of potentially low emissions combined with high efficiency. However, HCCI with diesel fuel requires a relatively long fuel/air mixing time to ensure a "homogenous" charge.

Lyftkraftsberäkning för vingprofiler: Virvelpanelmetoden

The problem presented in this report is that of finding a method to calculate the lift force from a single-element airfoil of arbitrary shape. A number of restrictions are used in order to simplify calculations while retaining reasonable accuracy. The problem is solved for the two-dimensional case only and no finite-wing effects are taken into account. Furthermore, inviscid and incompressible flow is assumed. The method used to solve the problem is the vortex panel method, with vortex singularities distributed over simplified airfoil geometry.

Jämförelse av två mätmetoder för mindre gasvolym

Two different methods for measuring biogas production were used, gas meter and gasbags. The gas meters were electronic and counted each time a certain gasvolume passed through them. The gasbags collected the gas that hade passed through the gas meter until a manual measuring could be done. The two different methods gave the same result for a volume at three liters but for a volume around 0,2 liters they did not. Accuracy and precision for the gasbags was more exact than for the gas meters even if the method was difficult with a lot of different elements that could affect the result.

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